Monday, November 16, 2009

Promises, Promises: The Artist Brand

Overall, consumer buying behavior is the same for fine art as it is for a luxury vehicle. The purchase process can be greatly simplified with the AIDA marketing model: Attention, interest, desire, action. You can also add "Satisfaction" at the end to imply returning customers.

Let's assume we've accomplished "attention" and our buyers are aware of our art. What now? As artists we need to create interest, desire, and action (purchase). How do we do this? One way is to strengthen the value our art brand.

As an artist, you (and your creations) are a brand. Like Cher or Oprah. While you may not have their marketing budgets, you do have the ability to manage, cultivate, promote, and ultimately benefit from your brand just like these savvy marketers do each day.

Keep in mind that your art brand is much more than a logo or your signature (which I'll discuss in more detail in another post). So what is a brand? You'll find hundreds of definitions branding online, but one that rings true to me as an artist is this: Your brand is simply your promise.

Let's consider Oprah's brand. If you choose to watch her show, whether you think about it or not, you likely have some strong expectations about what you'll get in the next hour. For example, we may expect Ms. Winfrey to chat with some interesting guests, give helpful life tips, have a strong opinion, be topical, be an active listener, be entertaining, etc. Why? Because that's Oprah's brand promise her loyal viewers. Notice consistency is a a key component of your brand promise. If we miss the show today, but watch tomorrow, our expectations are the same.

Before you consider your own brand promise, let's say you were given $50,000 to buy art with. What artist "brands" would you select and why? The "why" is the key to a brand promise.

When you define your own brand promise think about what you "give"consistently as an artists to your viewers, your customers, students, friends, collectors, etc. Notice here you have to consider your audience.

If you have time this week, define and write down your current brand promise (this may evolve over time). Does your next painting match your promise? Why? Why not? By keeping true to your promise, you'll be on your way to creating a more desirable, valuable art brand! Good luck and happy painting.

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